Instruction Manual : Eye Drop Hero
Eye Drop Hero: Instruction Manual
- Always keep your eyes CLOSED during testing when the Eye Drop Hero is on your face.
-Set the bottle in one of the holes, place the Eye Drop Hero on your face like a mask.
-If the tip of the bottle ever touches your closed eyelid, then you can only use the device with the eyes closed method described below.
-Repeat using different holes and different bottle types.
-Using Eye Drop Hero is as easy as SET, TILT, SQUEEZE.
-SET the bottle into a hole in the Eye Drop Hero that will be above the area you want the drop to go.
-Gently set the device on your face like a mask.
-Slide the device down your face until it rests on your nose (should fit on your face the same way every time).
-Elastic strap can be used if needed.
-TILT your head back or lie down.
-It’s best to use the same head tilt every time, but different holes can be used depending on how far you tilt your head back.
-SQUEEZE the bottle and the drop should land in the same place every time.
-It is best to close your eye for 1-3 minutes after putting in any drop (even without using the Eye Drop Hero).
-It is important to remember that eye drops need time to absorb.
-Blinking forces about 80% of the drop down the drain as new tears are brought in.2.
-Your eyelid acts like a windshield wiper, so keep your eyes closed (1-3 minutes best).
-The eyelid is tight against the eye so the drop will naturally be distributed over the eye’s surface.
-The eye can only hold about 50% of an average drop, so the rest will run down your face.3
-Another way to keep the drop in is to gently push on the tear duct, which means gently hold your finger against the corner of your eye near your nose for 1-3 minutes.
There are 3 areas that drops can be put in using Eye Drop Hero.
Method 1 - CLOSED EYE (area #1 on photo 1 and 2) is to place the bottle in a hole that will be above the corner of the eyelid and is adapted from the Glaucoma Research Foundation website: “…close your eyes. Place a drop in the inner corner of your eyelid (the side closest to the bridge of your nose). By opening your eyes slowly, the drop should fall right into your eye.”1.
-After the Drop lands in the corner of your eyelid: keep your head tilted back, open your eye and blink 3 times, gravity should pull the drop into the eye.
Method 2 - OPEN EYE (area #2 on photo 1 and 2) is to choose a hole that allows the drop to land directly on the open eye.
Method 3 - OPEN EYE (area #3 on photo 1 and 2) is to pull down your lower eyelid to make a pocket for the drop to land in.
-Most people will find there is room to hold your eyelid with your finger and still place the Eye Drop Hero on your face for method 3.
-Look up when squeezing the drop in so the upper eyelid is out of the way.
-Never leave children unattended while using the Eye Drop Hero.
-Sit or lie down when using Eye Drop Hero to avoid dizziness and falling.
-Wait 5 minutes before putting another drop in the same eye (you don’t want to wash the first drop away).
-Most drops can be refrigerated which reduces stinging and it’s easier to feel the drop go in. Ask your doctor or pharmacist.
-Before each use disinfect and inspect the Eye Drop Hero for damage and wash your hands.
-Do not use if damaged.
-Disinfect the Eye Drop Hero by cleaning with mild soap/water and wiping with rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol. Do not use until alcohol has dried.
-It is important to check with your doctor if you are having difficulty.
1.- Eye Drop Tips. (2017, October 29). Retrieved from
2.- J. Flach, “The importance of eyelid closure and nasolacrimal occlusion following the ocular instillation of topical glaucoma medications, and the need for the universal inclusion of one of these techniques in all patient treatments and clinical studies,” Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society, vol. 106, pp. 138-145, 2008.
3.- Reduction in drop size of ophthalmic topical drop preparations and the impact of treatment. J Adv Pharm Technol Res. 2011 Jul-Sep; 2(3): 192-194.